UC&CS GLOBAL was founded 11 years ago in Mexico City, Mexico, by CPAs (Certified Public Accountants), lawyers and business advisors from the four largest firms in Mexico. They recognized the need for an international association to manage clients abroad, with the same quality standards held by their own firms. The association continued to expand throughout most of Latin America. Today the firm operates worldwide, headquartered in Latin America by UC&CS AMERICA, with strategic alliances in the rest of the world.
Our quality standards are laid out in the by-laws of the firm, the Strategic Association Agreement signed by all the new members entering the association, and the Corporate Policies Manual.
Operationally, we have high quality standards sustained by an auditing methodology, a compilation of the fiscal systems in the Americas (TAXES IN AMERICA), a compilation of the IFRS in the Americas (INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS), and an auditing software designed specifically for use in Latin America.