UC&CS GLOBAL is an association of independent firms from all over the world. Each firm is an independent, legally established entity and therefore there is no responsibility from either the association as a whole or the individual associated firms for actions or omissions carried out by any associated entity.
China Desk
India Desk
Doing Business
UC&CS GLOBAL is the association #17 in the World:​
The association number 4 in Latin America
The association number 17 in North America
The association number 16 in the Middle East
The association number 17 in Europe
The association number 17 in Africa
The association number 17 in Asia Pacific
The association ranked as number 17 in Auditing, Accounting and # 16 in Consulting.
Our global numbers are:
64 million dollars in total revenue
1,987 total staff
268 partners
Presence in 30 countries directly and 50 more through correspondents
Here you will find interesting articles that have been published in the UC&CS Magazine as well as collaborations from our partners on other websites.